We Need Not Shudder

If we have only evolved…
And no sin exists at all…
If we are all there is…
Then yes, we should shudder…

If the cross offered only temporary reprise…
And if sin did not truly die..
If life were not fully ours..
Then yes, we should shudder…

If God’s love were not so pervasive…
His truth not so transcendent…
If His mercy were not so comprehensive…
Then yes, we should shudder


No, we did not evolve…
And yes sin does exist…
We are thankfully not all there is..
And so, we need not shudder.

The cross did pay once for all…
And yes, sin did truly die…
Life is now eternally ours…
And so, we need not shudder.

His love does the world embrace…
And His truth does time outpace…
His mercy does all things consider…
And so, we need not shudder.

His grace is greater than our sin
His strength stronger than our weakness
His promises truer than our fears
And this, our anchor forever and ever

Gal. 3:1-4, Phil. 1:6, Rom. 5:20

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