Thoughts on Patience

Patience outfits faith, guides peace, assists love, equips humility,

waits for penitence, seals confession, keeps the flesh in check,

preserves the spirit, bridles the tongue, restrains the hands,

tramples temptation underfoot, removes what causes us to stumble,

brings martyrdom to perfection; it lightens the care of the poor,

teaches moderation to the rich, lifts the burdens of the sick,

delights the believer, welcomes the unbeliever,

commends the servant to his master and his master to God,

adorns women and gives grace to men; patience is loved in children,

praised in youth, admired in the elderly.

It is beautiful in either sex and at every age of life …

Her countenance is tranquil and peaceful, her brow serene …

Patience sits on the throne of the most gentle and peaceful Spirit …

For where God is there is his progeny, patience.

When god’s Spirit descends patience is always at his side.

From Tertullian, On Patience, Chapter X, Book V

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