The Parade of the Ages

“It will cost something to walk slow in the parade of the ages, while excited men of time rush about confusing motion with progress. But it will pay in the long run and the true Christian is not much interested in anything short of that.” A. W. Tozer

Far from “rushing about confusing motion with progress,” I have been rushing about and making progress. Life has been quite busy and now it seems to have reached a place of rest. I have reached a better place of rest and pray you have as well. Because while much is expected of us all, if we are rushed and confused we are probably confusing that which God has called us to do and that which our own imagination has made for us.

Walking slow means seeing more than the blur of passing scenes. It means hearing and sensing what other people miss because, in their haste, they take all that is outside the stated task as distractions. As it is when dealing with the ones we love, being overly focused on the task (whatever that may be) is really distraction from the main task—love. We must ever be interruptible. This is such a delicate but necessary balance.

In truth, rushing around to accomplish the many things that we consider important is actually distraction. The slow walk “in the parade of the ages” rewards those who are willing to patiently wait on the Lord’s progress. The “long run” is not what most of us are interested in. But the “long run” fits well with the God of the ages for whom there is no beginning, no end.

After several years (7) of rushing about, a chapter (a near 230 page dissertation) of my life has come to an end. As with the preceding chapters, however, little time passed before the words of this new chapter. That it is being written “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service” (1Tim. 1:12).

Do not pursue busyness for the sake “doing something.” Sometimes our Lord is just as content to have us sit at his feet and be still. Let the world rush. Let us walk slowly.


  1. A timely reminder for all of us for December! One’s own expectations are far more harsh than what Christ places on us.

  2. I couldn’t agree more. Rushing about to complete anything robs you in so many ways: you miss the overall perspective and often miss minor details that can cause major problems. I’ve learned that rushing is often more about time management and performance than it is about the task at hand, and it drains energy. If you do it God’s way, you’ll do a better job, you’ll be more prepared for what you need to do, and it will improve your perspective as well as your performance. God wants us to notice our world, to see its beauty, and care for its well being. Rushing around rarely, if ever, will allow you to do so.

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