Spring Showers and Spring Flowers

It is not just the earth that responds to the coming of spring—my soul too rises. Paul wrote in 2Corinthians 2:14 that, “through us” God “spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge” of Christ. If only this were more than theoretically true. If only we could blossom as the flowers do.

Paul wrote that, “to God we are the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” When God leans down and pulls us to Himself He smells not the rotten flesh of sin, not the corrupt nature, but Christ.

It is a different kind of springtime for the world since the coming of Christ.

It is a different kind of world with the Christian in it.

It is a different place since God makes all things new.

Thank God we no longer stink up the place.

I am conscious of the flowers, and conscious of the thaw.

I am aware that yesterday’s frost is gone, and aware that today brings new mercies.

Spring showers have brought spring flowers, and with them the sweetness of life—new life. Thank God.


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  1. Beautimus, Hudson. Thanks for sharing your pictures and of course, your beautiful heart.

  2. “The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come.”
    Song of Solomon 2:12
    This spring especially the colorful blooming feels like a rebirth!

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